These are two of my favourite tea rooms in Warsaw, both very good in a different way and equally ranked for the “Best Tea Room Warsaw has to offer” title.
1: Same Fusy. Herbaciarnia i Kawiarnia ★★★★★
If you happen to visit Warsaw’s old town, make sure to stop for a pot of tea at Same Fusy. Herbaciarnia i Kawiarnia.

Korean Jeoncha

Same Fusy. Herbaciarnia i Kawiarnia
Same Fusy. Herbaciarnia i Kawiarnia
Warsaw Poland
Map & address
Overall rating: ★★★★★
Price: ~25PLN/pot of tea
Water refills: Yes
Hours: 1 pm to 11 pm
Every day
The Setting ★★★★★
This tea room is located in a basement of Warsaw’s Old Town district. Its soft relaxing atmosphere is very similar to the one of Herbaciarnia Czarka in Krakow. The dim-lit decoration and the wooden furniture give a warm feeling to the place.
I recommend sitting at the low tables in the lobby area (near the counter) rather at the high tables of the sitting area. You’ll be closer to the staff and it’s probably the ideal setting to grab a cup of tea while reading a good book.
The Tea & Beverage Selection ★★★★☆
The quality of the tea selection is great and the tea is brewed impeccably. I normally favour white and yellow tea but that Korean Jeoncha (green tea) stole my heart. Do give it a try, it’s well worth it!
However the choice is fairly limited compared to that of most tea rooms. It’s also impossible to buy loose leaf tea, so don’t go there to buy your tea.
The Food Selection N/A
Aside from a few desserts and tidbits, there is a rather limited choice of food which I did not try any.
Conclusion & Overall Mark ★★★★★
An excellent atmosphere with some high quality teas to choose from. It’s too bad the tea room does not sell loose leaf tea as I would have loved to buy some of that Korean Jeongcha.
It’s a bit pricey on the Polish scale but that comes with the location, right in the heart of Warsaw’s Old Town.
+: Great atmosphere
+: Solid tea selection
+: English speaker friendly (staff & menu)
+: Knowledgeable staff
-: Limited food selection
-: Tea is not sold loose leaf
2: Odette Tea Room ★★★★★
If you enjoy eating cakes with your tea, the Odette Tea Room is your best bet. No basement here, it’s all very modern and centrally located.

Odette’s Tea Room

Odette 2.0 Cake
Odette Tea Room
Warsaw Poland
Map & Address
Overall rating: ★★★★★
Price: 12PLN/pot of tea
Water refills: Yes
Hours: Tue-Sun: 10am to 8pm
Monday: 1pm to 8pm)
The Setting ★★★★☆
Odette’s tea room is located 10 minutes away from Warsaw’s central station and is both a bakery and a tea room/shop.
The decoration is modern and there is a small terrace where guests can sit, weather permitting. Nothing special about the atmosphere, which is more fitting of a café environment, but I’ll admit it’s difficult to beat the basement feeling of Same Fusy in the Old Town.
The Tea & Beverage Selection ★★★★★
There is a very solid tea selection and the price is the same for each teapot: 12 PLN. You’ll be able to try out several teas and it’s possible to buy loose leaf to take homr.
Too bad there is no proper English menu, which makes the whole choosing and ordering process extremely tedious for non-Polish speakers…
The Food Selection ★★★★★
The cakes are simply amazing, I strongly recommend “Odette 2.0” and “Tarta Owocova”.
Once again, no English menu/description so you’ll have to choose the cake according to its appearance.
Conclusion & Overall Mark ★★★★★
Odette Tea Room is one of Warsaw’s best tea salons: The tea and cakes are delicious and the choices are plenty.
It’s a pity that there is no English menu and that the staff does not speak very good English but I cannot downgrade its mark for that alone, hence the perfect score.
+: Convenient location
+: Solid tea selection
+: The cakes, gorgeous and tasty
+: Excellent value for money
–: Not English-speaker friendly